
SCI Publications
  1. Abhishek Khanna, and Sanmeet Kaur. “Internet of Things (IoT), Applications and Challenges: A Comprehensive Review.”
  2. Abhishek Khanna, and Sanmeet Kaur,  “Evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) and its significant impact in the field of Precision Agriculture.”  Computers and electronics in agriculture 157 (2019):  218-231.
COnferences publications
  1. Sukhwinder Singh, Parvez Alam, Sanmeet Kaur, and Parteek Kumar, “Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture.” 2019 Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP). IEEE, 2019.
  2.  Sukhwinder Singh, Sanmeet Kaur, and Parteek Kumar. “Forecasting soil moisture based on evaluation of time series analysis.” Advances in Power and Control Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 145-156.